Dear valued clients
Tokyo Beauty Studio was under a temporary closure as of March 19, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the government has recently announced to allow the reopening of spas and salons, including Tokyo Beauty Studio!
I have decided to reopen our doors to provide some of our services (details will be provided soon) on Friday, July 31st 2020.
I send my sincere apologies for the terrible inconvenience this closure has caused. With the reopening, services will be provided with even further care in infection preventative measures and sanitary practices to make sure all clients feel comfortable and safe. I will continue to do my utmost best to provide high quality services to suit clients' desires and needs.
I cannot thank you enough for the ongoing support of Tokyo Beauty Studio, and I hope you continue with me on the journey to find beauty, health, and richness of the heart.
Keiko Itoh
Please keep in mind these reminders and changes that are in effect as of Friday, July 31st 2020:
- Entry into the salon will require you to bring and wear your own mask or face cover.
- Appointments only. Please call or leave a text or email for appointments, including your desired services, specific menu, and date and time.
You will be asked to fill out and sign a health agreement and consent form at the time of
confirmation before the appointment, and at the time of the appointment. If any 1 of these apply to
you, unfortunately we will need to cancel and or reschedule your appointment.
*If you have ANY 1 of these symptoms: fever (over 38 degrees Celsius), cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat / trouble swallowing, runny nose, not feeling well, nausea / vomiting / diarrhea, have flu-like symptoms
*If you’ve been in contact with someone who is sick / has confirmed COVID-19 in the past 14 days
*If you’ve returned from travel outside Canada in the past 14 days
- Please note that only the client who has an appointment booked / making in-store purchases can enter the salon. Please refrain from bringing accompanying persons into the salon (including family members).
- If you would like to make product purchases in-store, please call in or leave a text before arriving.
Thank you for your understanding, and my deepest apologies for the inconvenience.
7月31日にリオープン: お客様へ
当サロンTOKYO BEAUTY STUDIOはコロナパンデミックにより3月19日から一時臨時休業をしておりましたが、先日政府から私共の業種において営業再開の許可の案内が出ましたので、7月31日にリオープンすることになりました。
今後ともTOKYO BEAUTY STUDIOをご支援ご愛顧を賜りますようどうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。
Tokyo Beauty Studio 代表 伊藤桂子
- ご来店の際はご自身のマスクまたはフェイスカバーを着用上、サロンにお入りいただくようお願いしております。
- 当サロンは完全予約制でございます。
- サービスのご利用をご希望のお客様は事前にアポイントメント(ご希望のサービス・メニュー・日時)をお電話、テキストメッセージ、またはEメールにてお問合せください。
- ご予約の時間になりましたらサロンにお入りください。
- ご同伴の方のご入店はお断りしております(ご家族お子様含む)。
- 商品のご購入をご希望のお客様はご来店前にお電話、テキストメッセージ等でご連絡ください。